Although the comparison is somewhat fictional, that is what it is all about: AI that tries to fully emulate human intelligence, the ability to reason, plan, learn, communicate or make value judgments. To finish establishing a comparison, weak AI requires human intervention, while strong AI does not. AI applications There are countless applications of artificial intelligence in everyday life, so let's review some of the most common. In marketing strategies, it is very normal to find it.
Streaming platforms such as Netflix or Amazon Prime show us recommendations for series and movies based on preference patterns. Banks have also adopted AI systems to offer us better service and mobile number list protect us from fraud. It is also applied in sectors such as agriculture , allowing to reduce costs and achieve better harvests, or in health , helping doctors to make better decisions. It also occurs in the home environment, where voice interaction is a fundamental element to perform daily tasks.
An example is Aura, Movistar's virtual assistant , which accompanies the company's customers, helping them control the television, make calls or video calls , control the lights in the home, turn on the radio, discover the news of the day, make recommendations on what view or even put subtitles on Movistar+ content, among many other things. Let's see, then, how the use of artificial intelligence in education works . How can artificial intelligence be applied in education.