Freud pointed out that the infant's mental operation will follow the primary process of the unconscious/id (Unconsciousness, Id), focusing on the satisfaction of needs (desires, desires), ignoring the contradictions of logic or the limitations of reality, which is " The Hedonic Principle". In the process of maturity, an individual will develop a secondary process and learn to consider the reality, which is the "reality principle".
Based on the above statement, adults should popular database all think according to the principle of reality. However, when adults have to take responsibility for thinking and solving problems, there is a good chance of regressing back to the primary process, after all, the Hedonic Principle is easier and more enjoyable. In recent months, we have often heard the referendum pros say: "
It is the government's responsibility to find alternatives, maintain adequate power supply (development of economic and trade relations, end the voting process on time, deal with nuclear waste...)." It is such a degradation. Commissioner Lin Weizhou said: "We should seriously consider the strategy of not opening up Laizhu to join the CPTPP."