The word "web" is an abbreviation for "World Wide Web". Like "Internet", it was capitalized when it first appeared in English. However, it was changed to lowercase at the same time as "Internet". Lesson 2: How to spell a word with "E" (abbreviation of electronic) Is it email, email, or email? Is it e-commerce, e-commerce, or e-commerce? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the correct spelling is "email". The same applies to e-commerce, e-stores, and e-business.
A hyphen is required when combining two ghost mannequin effect service words to form a compound word. However, the style guide takes a different view and suggests removing hyphens for general usage. The new 17th edition of ChicagoManual greatly cheers for SubvCopyEd's announcement that it will close "email" at ACES2017. Peter Sokolowski (PeterSokolowski) March 23, 2017 So should we use hyphens or not when spelling words with the electronic "e"? According to Grammarly, both spellings are correct. In summary, how would you like to see it online? Do you want to be considered an academic grammarist? Or do you want to be a technician, relevant and mainstream? advertisement Continue reading below Also, if you choose a style guide to follow, make sure you know how it spells these words.
For example, if you follow the AP Stylebook, you need to remove the hyphens in words that contain the "e". Remember that consistency is important when choosing how to spell a word with an "e". If you don't follow the style guide, select one spelling and follow it. Lesson 3: Utilization (and pluralization) of common online terms When you write a blog, you will run into common internet languages and be unsure about their capitalization. For example, is it a keyword or is it a keyword? Is it SERP or SERP? How do you pluralize the acronym? Is it a "blog" or a "blog"? Words such as "keyword", "blog", "website", and "data" are all common nouns. Write in lowercase unless it is part of the beginning of a sentence or an appropriate compound noun.